Pointe Prep Workshop

Would you like to take your ballet skills to the next level? Pointe is the next step to expand and strengthen your skills. This workshop will help prepare you and take you through testing to see if you are ready to join our Pointe Prep class in the fall. You must be 12 by Nov. 1st, 2024 and have had 2 years of consecutive ballet prior to Pointe.

We ask if you are planning to take Pointe in the fall to take this workshop for your testing before official registration. If for some reason the dates do not work, please let us know at the front desk and we will set you up for private lessons and testing over the summer. Please wear a leo, tights, and ballet shoes. You will also need some athletic shorts and tennis shoes if we do conditioning outside. You will also need a water bottle and notebook and pencil. You will NOT need pointe shoes, as these are the next step we work towards in class in the fall. Please email Ms. Katie with any specific questions to katie@exceldancecentre.com